Are You Smart Enough?
Here are a few puzzles to prepare you for the BrainRace - if you can solve any of them, you're ready to enter!
What's The Phrase?
1 3 5 9 11
My first is in window but not in pane.
My second’s in road but not in lane.
My third is in oval but not in round.
My fourth is in hearing but not in sound.
My whole is known as a sign of peace.
And from noah’s ark won quick release.

The Wild Isle Farmers Club recently held a friendly contest where any member could submit one of their prized animals. Using only the clues below, list the animals in the order in which they finished. (eg. pig, cow, llama, sheep)

What's The Phrase?
I have 9 letters
Nobody can read without me
4 + 5 + 6 is an animal
7 is me
3 is you
2 + 8 + 9 + 1 is completed
What am I?
A cable car runs from A to B and another one runs from C to D across adjacent cliffs at 400m and 600 m respectively. The cars both start at sea level and the cables run perfectly straight, at what height do the two cars cross?